Procedure for Notifying Removal of Computer Data from the System (Notice & Take Down Policy)

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society regarding the procedures for notifying and removing computer data from computer systems, 2022, those who wish to request United Information Highway Company Limited, an internet service provider, to suspend the dissemination or removal of computer data that constitutes an offense under Section 14 of the Computer Crime Act B.E 2550 (2007), as amended by the Computer Crime Act (No. 2) B.E 2560 (2017), from the computer system must contact and submit a complaint form along with supporting documents through.

Complaint Reception Center United Information Highway Company Limited (Contact us 24 hours)

Telephone: 02-061-5678
Fax: 02-016-5073

Supporting Documents for Complaints

1. Complaint Form
2. Copy of the complainant’s ID card or letter of attorney (in case of authorization)
3. Daily record or complaint notification document as evidence for investigators or police officers
4. Documents showing the offense and any related documents.

** Note: If the supporting documents for the complaint are incorrect or incomplete, the complainant must submit the correct and complete documents within 72 hours from the notification by United Information Highway Company Limited requesting additional documents. Failure to do so within the specified timeframe will require the complainant to initiate a new complaint process.